BFGoodrich® Tires builds tires for any adventure, including those that take drivers off their daily roadways. Through its Outstanding Trails program that promotes sustainable and responsible off-road driving, BFGoodrich Tires once again will award grants of $4,000 each to these qualified and passionate off-road clubs in North America. These clubs will use their grants to continue their efforts that preserve and protect their hometown trails
"BFGoodrich Tires stands shoulder-to-shoulder with enthusiast off-road communities in seeking to preserve and protect responsible off-road activities," said Duane Thomas, brand communications manager for BFGoodrich Tires. "The Outstanding Trails program promotes getting out and challenging the four-wheel drive culture to prove they are driver enough to explore their world. After receiving more than 150 nominations, we are proud to recognize and reward these four clubs and their efforts to enhance their trails."
As Outstanding Trails celebrates its 10th year, BFGoodrich selected 4 Wheel Parts as presenting sponsor of this year's program. 4 Wheel Parts helped promote the program and provide a critical outreach extension to four-wheel-drive clubs across North America. The program also is conducted in collaboration with United Four Wheel Drive Associations (UFWDA), Blue Ribbon Coalition and the Off Road Business Association (ORBA).
"4 Wheel Parts is proud to join BFGoodrich Tires as an Official Partner of the Outstanding Trails Program," said 4 Wheel Parts President and CeO, Greg Adler. "We are pleased to share in this opportunity to recognize the passionate members of some of North America's prominent off-road clubs for their commitment to the preservation of these significant trails."
To date, Outstanding Trails has awarded grants to 36 off-road trails nominated by 35 local clubs throughout North America. The program has provided more than $140,000 in grants in support of these trail conservation efforts.
Nominations were accepted beginning April 3 through July 10, 2015, on the BFGoodrich Tires website at www.bfgoodrichtires.com. The competition invites off-road clubs from around North America to nominate local trails that merit grants for maintenance or refurbishing. Trails are selected based on uniqueness, terrain type and enthusiast support.
BFGoodrich assembled a panel of judges comprised of four-wheel industry veterans to evaluate Outstanding Trails grant submissions.
BFGoodrich Tires 2015 Outstanding Trails
During the course of the year, BFGoodrich Tires will be at club events associated with these trails to highlight the uniqueness of each location, educate off-road enthusiasts on the responsible use of the trails and present a $4,000 grant to each club to assist in the preservation of trail access.
- Barrett Lake Trail, el Dorado National Forest, Calif.
Barrett Lake Trail is a High Sierra Four Wheel Drive/Off Highway Vehicle rock crawling trail located in the eldorado National Forest. The trail is recommended to experienced four-wheelers. The reward is Barrett Lake and its campgground located at the end of the trail.
The trail was closed for a few years but recently has reopened after a great deal of work was put into it. The trail was nominated by the Hi-Landers Four Wheel Drive Club who intends to use the funds to improve the trail, including upgrades to the campsite and yearly maintenance to keep it open to all the public that can handle this tough trail.
- Applegate-Lassen Wagon Trail, Nev.
This is the last piece of an original wagon train trail where you can still witness evidence of a historic time in our nation's history. High Rock Canyon, which is part of this trail, is sometimes referred to the little Grand Canyon of Nevada.
The High Rock Trekkers club nominated this trail and has worked with federal agencies on a number of projects on this trail. They intend to use the funds to update Steven's Camp cabin (built by Tennessee ernie Ford as his getaway place) and the spring box and plumbing at the cabin.
- Bald Mountain OHV Trails, Calif.
These trials provide riding opportunities throughout the year on a variety of terrain types and varying levels of difficulty. The trails are easily accessible and reach a pinnacle at Bald Mountain Look Out Tower, which stands at 7,826 feet in elevation.
The Clovis Independent 4 Wheelers group works to maintain the trails and plans to use the funds to complete road and trail maintenance and encouraging activity on authorized trails by removing hazards and maintaining drainage structures.
- Black Bear Pass, Silverton, Colo.
The "Steps" of Black Bear Pass are off-camber ledges with long drop-offs into the creek below. This trail incorporates world famous switchbacks that are very tight and narrow with 900-foot drop offs making for spectacular views and four-wheeling.
The Creeper Jeepers Gang of Durango nominated this trail and is looking forward to using the funds to continue with erosion control on old trails. The club is also considering installing more signage to prevent off-trail driving. They will also look to continue funding the Alpine Loop patrol to help law enforcement on the Alpine trails.
About BFGoodrich Tires
With more than 100 years of heritage, BFGoodrich® Tires is dedicated to providing high performance tires for those who have a passion for driving in virtually any environment. Combining technical expertise with 40 years of motorsports experience, BFGoodrich Tires delivers tires for a full range of driving experiences from ultra-high performance street to off-road terrain with one common theme - extreme performance. Come upgrade your performance with BFGoodrich and see where our tires can take you at www.BFGoodrichTires.com, on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/BFGoodrichTires or on Twitter at @BFGoodrichTires.
About 4 Wheel Parts
4 Wheel Parts is the global leader in off-road truck, Jeep and aftermarket performance products. With 69 locations across the U.S. and Canada and growing, 4 Wheel Parts Service Centers install all the products they sell. Maintaining the nation's largest inventory of off-road tires, wheels, lift kits, and accessories, 4 Wheel Parts serves customers across the country and around the globe. Life is Better Off-Road™. Visit them at 4wheelparts.com or call toll-free 877-474-4821.
About United Four Wheel Drive Associations
United Four Wheel Drive Associations is the world's leading representative of all-brand, four wheel-drive enthusiasts. UFWDA benefits, developed and tested over the past 30 years, include four-wheel-drive safety and awareness education; such user ethics programs as adopt-a-road, conservation volunteer and volunteer trail patrol; assistance with new club formation; education seminars to aid four wheelers through complex state and federal programs affecting trail access; internet forums designed to instantly connect members globally; and unlimited member access to its full-time legislative advocate and nationally recognized attorney who works exclusively for four-wheel-drive enthusiasts to protect access and prevent road and trail closures. For more information on the UFWDA log on to www.ufwda.org
About the BlueRibbon Coalition
The BlueRibbon Coalition (BRC) is a national non-profit organization that champions responsible recreation and encourages a strong conservation ethic and individual stewardship, while providing leadership in efforts to keep outdoor recreation alive and well -- all sports; all trails. With members in all 50 states, BRC is focused on building enthusiast involvement with organizational efforts through membership, participation in the administrative process, outreach, education and collaboration among recreationists. BRC works with land managers to provide recreation opportunities preserve resources and promote cooperation with other public land users. BRC is recognized nationwide for its credible staff of landuse and recreation professionals, as well as a legal team with nearly 30 years of accomplishments. Learn more at www.BlueRibbonCoalition.Org).
About Off Road Business Association
ORBA is a nonprofit association of off-road related business owners who have united to preserve the sport of off-road recreation in an environmentally responsible manner.ORBA proactively protects recreation access and opportunities by ensuring that America's families are not arbitrarily denied the right to responsibly recreate. ORBA provides leadership in addressing land use issues by advancing policies that conserve the environment while at the same time providing off-road recreation opportunities.